Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I awoke very slow it was quite hard to see
I rolled over to hold her, but alas it was just me
where she had gone to, it was not quite clear
but away she had gone, while I remained here.
Reality sets in and tears my heart at the seam
It finally hits me, it was no more than a dream.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Dreamer's Rest

My mother had taught that one must pray, for the strength and courage to brave each day
To face the day we all need rest, for faith becomes a grueling test,
I shut my eyes shut and fade to black, Till morning light shall steal me back

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Echos From The Past

Haunting echos which pierce the soul
Echos brought upon by familiar faces
Who knew memories could take their toll?
Once filled with people, now empty spaces

Questions race throughout the mind.
Is this real or just fictitious?
Is the heart correct or merely blind?
Are these feelings too ambitious?

The echos carry a message to accomplish their task
Memories bring upon emotions, which simply refuse to cease
What does the message entail? I thought you might ask
They speak of a better life, filled with happiness and peace.

July 30th, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Magic Of Dreams

The world restricts a dreamer's mind
It stifles dreams of any kind

Within his thoughts there lies a key
Which unlocks the door to set him free

And once he's free, it can begin
To show the magic concealed within

The magic that makes a man feel young
An unusual feeling that's most unsung

But every dreamer knows this bliss
So what I'm trying to say is this

Please readers become a dreamer too
I dream for me as well as you.

June 25 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

One Dreamer To Another

You feel alone and are unsure
You seek to find the fix or cure

The problem is you've felt the pain
So instead of trust you just refrain

From believing those who treat you right
Afraid the bark leads into the bite

Alone and terrified your strength will wane
A friend that loves you can help the pain

But in order to help, you must learn to see
If anyone knows heart ache it surely is me

So what do I ask from you? What can you say?
I want you to believe that i'm here to stay

No matter what people have to say or try to do
I know whats important the answer is you

So the next time your upset and want to disappear
Just remember my carebear I want you right here.

For you CBN =)

June 22, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Good Struggle In An Evil World

Evil gains victory, when good men fail to act
Tis a foolish statement, more fiction than fact

Tis not lack of action which dooms the good to falter
Tis morals and feelings which the good can not alter

Evil is bound to no code which hinders or encumbers
Good can be overrun by sheer force of numbers

For good in a man tis a quality most rare
While evil's abundance lurks everywhere

But this is no edict for the good to submit
For evil is ruthless and never will quit

Tis something much different tis more of a plea
For good to overcome evil where ever it be.

June 18, 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Power of Family and Friends

This dreamer keeps his ramparts high
And people often question why?

It's a simple answer I've come to see
People lack respect and honesty

For when you earn the title friend
You earn my love until the end

But friendship's hard and most aren't lenient
Your feelings are worthless unless it's convienient

I'd like to think that people care
And I long to hope that life is fair

Time may prove these thoughts askew
My faith in people rests with you

But each passing day we grow apart
It mangles my soul and twists my heart

Hopefully time will prove my thoughts mendacious
Until that time let your love be contagious

Above all else, cherish family and friend
For they'll be with you until the very end
